Thanks, Internet Family

It's December 24th here in the United States at the time of writing, Christmas Eve. The Christmas season is nowadays about being with friends/family, gratitude for what we are, and the act of giving.

I'd like to take a moment to recognize the people we've grown close to over our time playing PBBGs, our internet families that stick with us through thick and thin. The ones we found along the way, and had an impact on our lives. We come from all different backgrounds, from different countries and different shapes and sizes, and it's a damn miracle that we can all come together and enjoy some good old fashioned gaming.

Although this time is about being with people important to us in person, I hope we won't forget about the virtual ones too. I'm so thankful that this community exists, and thankful that these games exist. Without them, I know my life would be a lot different.

So reach out to your Internet Family today, and say thanks for all the memes, laughs, drama, effort, grinding, late nights, raids, donations, advice, sacrifice and energy.